NSK MUSEUM, Nakanishi Inc. by NOMURA Co., Ltd

Name of Company or Individual: NOMURA Co., Ltd

Country: JAPAN

Website: https://www.nomurakougei.co.jp/

Project Name: NSK MUSEUM

Project Completion Date: 10/15/2018

Project Completed City: TOCHIGI-city

Interior Division: Office Design

An exhibition aiming for product performance visualization and internal communications integration.

Nakanishi Inc., 􀒁NSK􀒂is a leading manufacturer and distributor of dental equipment with a and headquartered in Kanuma City, Tochigi Pref., Japan. For its business partners from around the world, we took a task in its opening of the NKS Museum and Plant Tour Corridor within the premises of NSK’s R&D Center in 2018.

The Museum showcases NSK’s products, including state-of-the-art surgical handpieces, each of which is crafted from as many as 2,300 components, polished and assembled to a precision of 1/1000mm. We designed the Museum with two objectives; to offer a stunning array of those products with innovative design and unrivalled quality, while stimulating internal communications for employee engagement.

NSK MUSEUM consists of four zones.

1. Key Hero products

Under the concept "Anatomy of product design," NSK’s technological prowess, design philosophy, corporate style and other aspects are visualized in 15 sections of precise identifications and descriptions.

They include the external beauty of the shape and functionality, the motor sound which minimizes the fear of the patient, the diversity of raw materials, the mechanism of gears, and the excellence to the touch.

2. History, unravelling the history of the company.

3. Product Lineup, a showcase of the current model

4. DEMO Space, offering visitors to experience the product.

In addition, we capitalized on the corridor space by exhibiting disassembled parts along with the enlarged macro-photographs of those. The Museum and the corridor together serve not just as an effective product showroom for NKS in its business development, but also as an educational platform for employees which leads to developing a sense of pride.

We delivered a new spatial model, which combines a corporate showroom as well as an interactive communication space for employees.


"Yan" by Tomoko Ikegai ikg inc.


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