Taipei EROS Hair Salon by Materiality Design

Name of Company or Individual: Materiality Design

Country: Taiwan


Project Name: Taipei EROS Hair Salon

Project Completion Date: 6/30/2019

Project Completed City: Taipei

Interior Division: Retail Shop

panel in A3 Landscape (horizontal).jpg

Design Concept

As a leading brand among the hair salons, we treat the physical space of the shop as the embodied identity at the fringe of the downtown Taipei. In order to make it an innovative, fashionable, and enduring place, we integrate regional characters into the design. The geometry of black, white, and grey colours transform the layers of the space while ensuring its functionality. Here the framed landscape becomes a diorama with flowing junctures of inside and outside that echoes the essence of hair design.

Design Approach

1. Sculptural Quality

The whitewashed background refers to the pure motivation of the brand. The gestures of hair-cutting are translated into the massing of the sculptural entities. The triangular motif shapes the functional cubes and planes from ceiling to floors through the actions of piling, cutting, and sewing. The workflow of the upper and lower floors engulfs the counter, display shelves, ceiling, and division walls. In contrast with the stability of the seating area, the layered and displaced vision integrates and enriches the space. The juxtaposition of the movement and stillness defines the singular dynamics of the hair salon.

2. The Light Beams

Hair design requires even lighting in space. The large panelling of ceiling lighting provides rooms for basic lighting needed on different floors. The light bars embedded in the dividing lines contributes to numerous lighting belts, serving as supplemental lighting while solving the condition of the lowered ceiling in the VIP room. They also extend and meander with the reflection of the large mirror surface, shuttling freely between the planes and the three-dimensionality. Here, light defines the threshold between the tangible and the intangible realms and therefore becomes the index for circulation and division in the space.


Ripi by FATHOM


beautiful people by Daisuke Yamamoto / de:sign